Document of the Establishment of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG)


The purpose of the group is to bring together mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers, and others who are interested in nurturing and supporting the development of mathematical creativity and the realization of mathematical promise and mathematical giftedness, promoting the improvement of teaching and learning mathematics, and widening students’ abilities to apply mathematical knowledge in innovative and creative ways. The work of the Group will concentrate on distinct but interrelated domains such as:

    • mathematical creativity for all students, from all backgrounds, and of all ages,

    • mathematical creativity, aptitude, and achievement,

    • mathematical giftedness, talent and promise,

    • mathematical creativity for individuals or teams, inside or outside the classroom,

    • mathematics competitions.


The aims of the group are to:

    • encourage research concerning the discovery, nurture and support of mathematical creativity, giftedness, talent and promise for all students,

    • support investigation and dissemination of information on the role of teacher knowledge and education, educational systems, and cultural aspects related to the development of mathematical creativity and promise,

    • stimulate national and international activities to further the aims of the Group,

    • cooperate with national and international associations with similar aims,

    • organize international conferences and stimulate discourse between mathematicians, psychologists, educators, researchers, curricular designers and sociologists,

    • stimulate and support members of the Group to participate actively at conferences or projects or other activities that further the aims of the Group

    • further scientific publications and encourage the development of websites,

    • assist educators and inform policy-makers.

Organization of the Group

The Group has the following organs:

    • General Membership Meeting (GMM)

    • Board of Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer

    • International Committee IC (12 members)


    • Membership is open to persons involved in active research in furtherance of the Group's aims, or being professionally interested in the results of such research.

    • There is a list of the Founding Members and a Membership Application Form for additional members. Interested individuals from around the globe are invited to join the Group.

    • All members have the right to attend and to vote at the GMM.

General Membership Meeting (GMM)

    • The GMM will be held at least every two years, normally during an International Conference of the Group. The agenda will be sent to every member at least one month before the date of the meeting. The agenda will include information about vacancies for the Board of Officers and the International Committee.

    • At the GMM the chair is taken by the President or the Vice-President. The GMM approves resolutions by a simple majority of the votes cast.

    • Elections are by secret ballot.

    • The Secretary will prepare minutes of the GMM which, after approval by the Board of Officers, will be distributed to all members.


    • The four Officers are responsible for administering the affairs of the Group. In general the term of office for each officer will be four years. Immediate re-election after a continuous term of four years is not possible.

    • The four Officers will be elected by the GMM, in general from among those who have been members of the International Committee at some time, for at least one year.

    • To facilitate a continuous work of the Group the GMM will elect Vice-President and Secretary in one year and President and Treasurer two years later. For special purposes the Board of Officersmay invite further persons to assist in its work for periods of not more than two years.

    • The four Officers must come from different countries.

International Committee (IC)

    • The International Committee (IC) assists the Officers in their work and supports by its international distribution global aspects of the Group.

    • The IC consists of twelve members elected by the GMM. Six of them are elected when there are the elections for President and Treasurer and six of them when there are the elections for Vice-President and Secretary. In general the term of office for each IC member will be four years. Immediate re-election is not possible.

    • When an International Committee member retires before the end of the term of office, or becomes one of the Officers, the GMM will elect a new member for the remainder of that term of office.

    • Not more than two members of the International Committee may come from the same country.

Nominations for Elections

    • Nominations for elections by the GMM shall be made before 6:00 pm in the evening before the day of the GMM.

    • Nominations shall be made in writing to the Conference Organizer (2010 in Riga) or to the Secretary (after Riga).

    • Nominations will be published on the Conference notice board.

    • Nominations must contain the names of a proposer and a seconder and the consent of the person nominate.

Establishing the Organization of the Group in Riga (in 2010)

    • President and Treasurer are elected for two years only. After that term of office exceptionally an immediate re-election will be possible.

    • Vice-President and Secretary are elected for four years.

    • Six of the IC members are elected for two years only. Those six members must come from different countries. After that term of office exceptionally an immediate re-election will be possible.

    • Six of the IC members are elected for four years. Also those six members must come from different countries.

International Conferences

    • Typically, the International Conferences of the Group will be held every two years.

    • Colleagues who are interested in hosting an International Conference of the Group should submit a conference proposal to the Officers and IC at least one month before the preceding International Conference. Any proposals received should be voted upon at the GMM.