Group History
The group history started in 1999 when Hartwig Meissner organized an International Conference on Creativity and Mathematics Education in Muenster, Germany. About 80 participants from more than 20 countries participated. For more details and how to get the Conference Proceedings click on Muenster Conference:
In 2002 Agnis Andzans organized our next conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students in Riga, Latvia. About 40 experts from 15 countries discussed the role of creativity and the role of competitions on future developments in mathematics education. For more details and how to get the Conference Proceedings click on Riga Conference
In August 2003, The Third International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students was organized with great success by Emiliya Angelova Velikova and her staff at the University of Rousse, Republic of Bulgaria. For more details please contact Emiliya Angelova Velikova
In July 2006 Alena Hospesova and her team organized the Fourth International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students in a very attractive old city Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. There were about 40 participants from 22 countries who presented a broad range of interesting lectures and workshops.
In February 2008 Roza Leikin and her team organized the Fifth International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students in Haifa, Israel. About 200 participants from 24 countries attended 8 plenary lectures, about 50 projects and research presentations and 5 research symposia. For more details see conference website.
At this conference a working group for the establishment of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness was elected at the general meeting of the conference.
Working Group Leaders:
Linda Jensen Sheffield
Regents Professor Emerita
Northern Kentucky University
United States
Hartwig Meissner
Professor Emeritus
University of Muenster
Roza Leikin
Faculty of Education University of Haifa
Working group members
At the Sixth International Conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students in Riga, Latvia, more than 80 participants from 20 countries established on August 4, 2010, the new International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness. Click here for more information.
Other related events
The participants from these conferences also met at other places. Some of them were invited to organize topic study groups or working groups or special sessions on creativity and giftedness at other important conferences like:
Topic Study Group No. 16 at ICME 9: Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students
(31 July - 6 August 2000 in Tokyo, Japan)
You may study the program, described in the short summary report.
Mathematics Education Study Group (MESG)
(August 7-8, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan)
MESG has published the conference proceedings in English. For more details you may ask the president of MESG, Prof. Kiyoshi Yokochi.
NAGC 48th Annual Convention
(November 7 - 11, 2001 in Cincinnati, Ohio USA)
Professor Linda Sheffield from Northern Kentucky University initiated that the National Association for Gifted Children of the USA (NAGC) on its annual meeting in 2001 had an international special strand on "Math for High Ability Students".