Introducing the newsletter (History and purpose of the newsletter)
Roza Leikin and Linda Sheffield, establishing editors
MCG newsletter followed the establishment of the new professional community – International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness with the first publication distributed in April 2012 . The purpose of the newsletter is to encourage communication between mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers, and others who are interested in nurturing and supporting the development of mathematical creativity and the realization of mathematical promise and mathematical giftedness, promoting the improvement of teaching and learning mathematics, and widening students’ abilities to apply mathematical knowledge in innovative and creative ways.
The editorial board welcomes contributions that include ideas and research findings related to the advancement of mathematical creativity for all students, from all backgrounds, and of all ages, and the promotion and realization of mathematical giftedness, talent and promise.
current issues:
(to read our past issues, please, scroll down to the bottom of this page)
Ediorial Board
Scott A. Chamberlin, USA
Editor in Chief
Christine Weiss, USA
Associate Editor
Linda Sheffield, USA
Scientific Consultant
Alexander Karp, USA/Russia
Section Editor – Educational Innovations and History
James Gintner
Section Editor – Problem Corner
Viktor Freiman, Canada ;
Editor - Technology News in Mathematics
The newsletter includes five sections:
Educational innovations and history
Section Editor: Alexander Karp []
This section of our Newsletter is intended to help all of us keep abreast of pedagogical and organizational innovations in the education of the mathematically gifted and in the development of creativity, as well as about the history of such education and development
Mathematical competitions corner
Section Editor: to be appointed
In this section, we plan to publish ideas about mathematical competitions and their role in mathematics education. We wonder what role mathematical competitions play in the advancement of mathematical creativity and giftedness and how expertise and creativity are combined when solving Olympiad problems. We also plan to discuss different forms of mathematics competitions.
Problem corner
Section Editor: James Gintner
We welcome authors to publish their original problems as well as original solutions to known problems. We are interested in the discussion of problems that raise students' motivation in learning mathematics as well as such characteristics as beauty and elegancy of the solutions.
Technology news in mathematics
Section Editor: Viktor Freiman []
This section will include information about mathematical and technological innovations concerning Creativity in Mathematics Education. We are welcome papers about history of mathematical creativity, new discoveries in mathematics, methods for creating new problems and original solutions and the use of new technologies in mathematical inventions.
Research news in MCG
Section Editor: to be appointed
This section of Newsletter presents information on research in the field of mathematical creativity and giftedness including a digest of an on-going research, initial findings of unpublished research, or reviews of published research papers and books that focus on empirical and theoretical issues of mathematical creativity and giftedness. This section also can be used for announcements of proposals for research collaboration by those who search for research teammates.
Newsletter of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness
Past issues:
Newsletter #5
Newsletter #12: November, 2016
Newsletter #13: September 2017
Newsletter#19: August-September, 2022
Newsletter of the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness
How to contribute
All MCG members (and non-members) are welcome to contribute short articles to the MCG newsletter.
The authors are invited to submit articles (from 500 to 3000 words) to a Section Editor and the editors of the newsletter –
Scott Chamberlin, scott[at]uwyo.edum, and Christine Weiss, chweiss819[at]
Each contribution will be reviewed by the head of the section, one of the board members and one additional expert in the field.
Each contribution will be reviewed by the head of the section, one of the board members and one additional expert in the field.