Useful Links
CIEAEM conference in Montreal - Creativity in Mathematical Activities
The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) website, United States
CERME7: Working Group 7 - Mathematical potential, creativity and talent (proceedings, beginning p. 1030)
ICME-2016 TSG3 Topical Survey
NCTM-October, 2016: Providing Opportunity for Students Exceptionally Mathematical Promise
NAGC-STEM White Paper: The STEM promise
NCSM 2012 Position Paper: Expanding Opportunities for our Most Promising Students
Singer, Florence Mihaela (Ed.) (2018): Mathematical Creativity and Mathematical Giftedness. Enhancing Creative Capacities in Mathematically Promising Students.
Singer, F.M., Sheffield, L.J., Freiman, V., Brandl, M. (2016): Research On and Activities For Mathematically Gifted Students (PDF file)
Leikin, R., Berman, A., Koichu, B. (2009): Creativtiy in Mathematics and the Education of Gifted Students.
Sriraman, Bharath (2005): Are Giftedness and Creativity Synonyms in Mathematics?. (PDF File)
Sriraman, B., Haavold, P.: Creativtiy and Giftedness in Mathematics Education: A Pragmatic view. (PDF File)
List of references
Books with problems and activities
Books with puzles and recreational mathematics