International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness

Dear colleagues and friends from all over the world,


Our Team the officers of MCG wishes you all the best in 2024!

This year will be full of great events. 

We begin with the 13th conference, which will take place on Februaray, 20-23, 2024 at Central University of Technology-Free State, South Africa. 

The next, 14th conference will be organized as a joined event with the 4th thematic European Council for High Ability (ECHA) conference on inclusion and sustainability on 16 - 18 June, 2025 

Place: Karlstad, Sweden

For more information : Go to the conference site igMCG14

We will continue production of new issues of our newsletter that provide interesting examples of how to stimulate creativity and talents in our students. Thanks to everyone who has written articles for the newsletter, and especially to Scott Chamberlin who is a current editor and to Chriss Weiss for preparation of two 2023 issues.  The 2024 Spring issue is now published. Contact  Scott [at] if you are interested in writing an article. In addition,Elisabet.mellroth[at]  continues looking after our blog that we invite you to add your post to.

Please, consider joining the Group and taking part in our activities

Viktor Freiman   Matthias Brandl  Elisabet Mellroth    Ralf Benölken

President            President-elect        Secretary            Treasurer

Future Events 

First, we are happy to invite you all to the 14th MCG conference in June 2025 in Sweden. The conference is a merged conference, and you will meet both friends and colleagues from the MCG group as well as friends and colleagues from the European Council of High Ability community. Welcome to the bright summer nights in Sweden. Registration and submission is open at Combined ECHA and igMCG conference, 16 – 18 June 2025. | Karlstad University (

Other than conference preparation, if you take part at the ICME-15 in July, you are cordially invited to the TSGs on mathematical promise, giftedness, and creativity closely connected to our Group's goals. Also, consider attending an MCG session as part of affiliated groups meetings and bring your colleagues who might be interested in learning about our group and eventually joining us. All details are at ICME-15: Come and be counted! - ICME-15 (

For further events please see our newsletter.


Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness  (MCG) is an exciting topic that was overlooked in school education and in the educational research for a long time.

The International Group for MCG brings together mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers,  and others who are inspired to nurture and support  the development of mathematical creativity in all and the realization of mathematical promise and mathematical giftedness.


 The purpose of the group is to bring together mathematics educators, mathematicians, researchers, and others who are interested in nurturing and supporting the development of mathematical creativity and the realization of mathematical promise and mathematical giftedness, promoting the improvement of teaching and learning mathematics, and widening students’ abilities to apply mathematical knowledge in innovative and creative ways. The work of the Group will concentrate on distinct but interrelated domains such as:

MCG constitution


CLICK HERE to  submit Membership Application Form


MCG (International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness) is affiliated with ICMI (the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction)

see details at: