
The election committee has received and approved the name of one candidate for nomination of president-elect and the names of 6 (six) candidates for nomination to the IC (there are a total of 5 spots available). Below you will find the details for each candidate as well as the proposal for the 2027 MCG Conference to be held in Calgary, Canada. The vote for this proposal will also be included on the voting ballot.

Candidate for President-Elect

Elisabet Mellroth

Candidates for International Committee Members

Aymah Aljarrah

• Hosting an International Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness Conference in Canada.
• Attract more Canadian scholars in the fields of mathematics and mathematics education to join the International Group for Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness.
• Promote the diversity of our group by attracting scholars from different parts of the world to join the group.

Mirela Vinerean Bernhoff

Scott Chamberlin

Judi Mills

Santhanam Sundaram Ramachandran

Ban Har Yeap

2027 MCG Conference Proposal